Monday, March 23, 2020

Chapter Two: Murphy's Law

Welcome back to the Tsarina Alphabetacy! 

In the previous chapter, Catherine Tsarina moved to Siberia, met and married Komei Tellerman, and had three children: Alexei, Albina, and Anfisa.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Chapter One: The Penguin-Snowman Alliance

Hello and welcome to my attempt to drive myself insane: The Tsarina Alphabetacy! I’m your friendly neighborhood Narrator, and you (and Sims) can call me Captain. Here we have our founder, Catherine Tsarina. She is a 5/8/5/3/4 Family/Fortune Sim with the LTW to have six grandchildren.

A few quick things before we get started:
I’m not keeping score, but I will do my utmost best to follow the rules.
Life is a one-way street. Trying to travel back along this street will have...consequences.
As indicated by the name, this is a matriarchy. The firstborn daughter will be heiress.

Chapter Five: The Promise

Welcome back to the Tsarina Legacy! In the previous chapter, all of the kids became teenagers, and showed off how well Sophia and Joe...